Show simple item record Verma, Lavanya Biswas, Sanat (Advisor) 2023-04-10T13:27:11Z 2023-04-10T13:27:11Z 2022-05
dc.description.abstract This project aims to devise a concise methodology for onboard computation for trajectory planning in launch vehicles. Our methodology is primarily based on optimal control theory; the framework would apply to multiphase-phase non-linear functional optimization problems. A 6-DOF multistage ascent case is presented with appropriate mission path & state-based constraints to perform the orbital insertion. A direct optimal control approach is taken to tract the non-linear control problem; further, the Radau-pseudospectral scheme is applied to formulate the computational equivalent of a continuous case. NLPs are accompanied by convex optimization techniques and successive convex optimization. The simulation result is provided to show the robustness of the algorithm despite inaccurate initial guesses. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher IIIT-Delhi en_US
dc.subject Launch Vehicle en_US
dc.subject Optimization en_US
dc.subject Optimal Control en_US
dc.subject Collocation en_US
dc.subject Ascent en_US
dc.subject Dynamics en_US
dc.subject Pseudospectral en_US
dc.subject Ascent Mission en_US
dc.subject Multistage en_US
dc.title Launch vehicle navigation en_US

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