Technical Reports


Instructions to Publish IIIT-D Technical Reports:


Technical reports are written to convey recent research development to the community. There are several purposes that are served by a technical report.

· Timely dissemination: Journals and conference proceedings may take a long time in reviewing the papers and publishing them online. Getting a technical report for the work provides a mechanism of providing a date to the unpublished ideas, research results and intellectual property.

· Availability: IIIT-D will always provide online link to technical reports that will be available to all in the open forum.

· Supplement material: Any supplement material can be submitted later and it will be available with the report in the form of additional/supplement with the original report. The date of submission for the supplement material will also be made available.


To ensure the integrity of these technical reports, there are certain policies that the institute will follow.

· The institute will keep a record of the technical reports and ensure proper backup and maintenance.

· Once a report is published, its contents cannot be modified.

· Request for publishing technical reports can only be made by faculty members.

· Since the institute does not perform review of the technical reports, the institute cannot guarantee that authors will not post material that violates a copyright. It is up to the individual submitting a technical report to ensure that to the best of his or her knowledge, the publication does not violate any copyright constraints. The author will be responsible for any questions that may arise due to the work and IIIT-D does not have responsibility.

· If there is a request for the report to be withdrawn, IIIT-D will permit it and not make it available on the web. However, the title of the report, authors and technical report number will be listed online along with the notification that the report is withdrawn.

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission. This copyright is identical to the standard copyright notice currently used on ACM publications.


The technical report (in pdf format) should be submitted to the IIIT-D Library ( There is no prescribed format to submit the report but it is expected that the report should have broad arrangement as Motivation/Introduction, Method, Results, and Conclusion. The librarian will assign the technical report number as IIITD-TR-Year-Num (e.g. IIITD-TR-2010-001). The last three digits represent the number of technical reports received in that particular year.

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