Show simple item record Aggarwal, Aayush Das, Syamantak (Advisor) 2021-05-20T14:42:22Z 2021-05-20T14:42:22Z 2020-06-06
dc.description.abstract We are given a bipartite graph G(R, S, E) (|R| = |S|), where R denotes the set of requests and S being the set of servers. The requests R (given by an adversary) arrive sequentially along with their distances to each of the |S| servers, which follow a metric (e.g. line, star). The next request is revealed only after the previous one has been permanently matched to a free server. After this, this server can no longer be used to match future requests. The goal is to minimize the total matching cost incurred over all the |R| requests in the worst case, compared to the optimal matching. We consider a rather unexplored framework to this problem, where we may skip over an fraction of requests, which we call as the rejection framework, and try to find upper and lower bounds on the competitive ratios admitted by algorithms found in research in related areas, or of our own. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher IIIT Delhi en_US
dc.subject Online Algorithms, Graph Theory, Metric Spaces, Bipartite Matching, Approximation, Adversarial Input, Stochastic Input, Min Cost Flow en_US
dc.title Online bipartite matching en_US

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