Show simple item record Giri, Sushil Kumar Deb, Sujay (Advisor) 2024-05-16T12:55:40Z 2024-05-16T12:55:40Z 2023-11-29
dc.description.abstract Critical health parameters such as SpO2 and Blood Pressure play a massive role in determining a person’s health condition, and hence their tracking and monitoring are essential. Currently, the problem with health monitoring systems is the inaccessibility and expensiveness of the monitoring devices and the cumbersome nature of the measurement procedures. Moreover, these devices belong to different ecosystems. Hence, they do not communicate with each other making it difficult for people to keep track of different measurements and get a combined insight into their health. We are overcoming all these flaws by introducing a solution that is accessible by everyone through a free smartphone application. This solution allows simultaneous measurement of Heartbeat, SpO2, and Blood Pressure and tracking of user activity. Even in the early stages, our solution provides excellent accuracy, with the error range being only ±2 for SpO2 and the RMSE being 9.76 mmHg for SBP and 6.09 mmHg for DBP. Such low error ranges provide us with great insights into the potential success of our solution. Our solution does not require any additional hardware requirements, can run on any off-the-shelf mobile, reduce the burden on the healthcare system, and bring out diagnostic insights that are not readily available, thus providing a holistic picture of the human body. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher IIIT-Delhi en_US
dc.subject Jivika en_US
dc.subject Heart Rate en_US
dc.subject Respiration Rate en_US
dc.subject Blood Pressure en_US
dc.subject SPO2 en_US
dc.subject Heuristic Evaluation en_US
dc.subject Umbrella App en_US
dc.subject Health Integrated en_US
dc.subject PPG en_US
dc.subject RGB Intensities en_US
dc.title Jivika App en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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