Serialisation latency is a significant concern in modern cloud applications that leverage the microservice paradigm. A cloud service request typically traverses a sequence of microservices across nodes, increasing latency due to (de) serialisation overhead at every hop. The serialisation process comprises memory allocation, data encoding, and data copy. Observations from existing benchmarking results show that the data copy operation dominates the overall (de) serialisation cost. Existing serialisation libraries follow a two-copy technique — (1) the application copies the encoded data into a serialised buffer, and (2) the serialised data is copied to the NIC’s device memory. To reduce serialisation latency, researchers have proposed (1) kernel bypass techniques that eliminate data copy, (2) use of hardware acceleration solutions, and (3) wire format optimisations. However, kernel bypass solutions have security concerns and cannot be deployed in public cloud networks, and hardware acceleration solutions depend on specialised hardware. We propose designing and implementing a one-copy serialisation library, which leverages the scatter-gather I/O technique provided by the standard POSIX library for data movement. Our solution does not require special hardware support or any specialised network stack. Our design relies on the Linux network stack; there are no security concerns, making it usable in public and private clouds.