Making games is a comparatively new eld which demands technical as well as creative ability. Game Development is increasingly becoming popular among millennials. Developing a game involves designing the levels, programming the logic behind the game and beautifying the environment. We use game engines to develop these games. Game engines provide us with rendering engine(for graphics), a physics engine, a way to script our logic, arti cial intelligence, memory management, level editing, and cinematics. But being an indie developer it can be a very huge task to create these games, especially the environment of the games which takes up a huge
amount of time. The aim of this project is to develop a prototype of a survival horror game using Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) and procedurally create some assets using Houdini. The overall project has two parts 1) Unreal Game - The main aim of the game is to survive using food pickups, use ashlight using battery pickups and complete the objectives without dying. The project currently only has one level but it can be increased by linking new levels. 2) Houdini Assets - These are procedurally created assets that can be used in any game engine to create the game's environment faster and more easily removing the redundancy of creating similar objects again and again.