Probabilistic Spin Logic (PSL) is a fascinating computing model composed of fundamental stochastic units called probabilistic bits (p-bits). A p-bit can be realized using low-barrier nanomagnets. It can be combined to implement Boolean functions with accuracy comparable to that of a traditional digital logic circuit. Moreover, a PSL
circuit can also be used to compute the inverse of a Boolean function, a trait that is
missing from conventional digital circuits. In this research, the application of PSL to
realize complex Boolean functions has been examined using simulations. Further, an
investigation into the timing of complex logic gates implemented using PSL has been
carried out. A methodology to characterize delay as an intrinsic property of the logic
gates independent of the way the delay is computed is proposed. The correctness of
the proposed methodology using a few Boolean functions has been demonstrated in this work. Additionally, the factors that govern the delay of PSL circuits are examined and a technique to reduce the delay has been proposed.