With the ever-growing dependency on software, testing for their unexpected behavior
is as important as verifying for their known properties, to avoid potential losses. Existing
software testing approaches assume either the specification as a baseline to test for the
Intended behavior of the program’s implementation [154] or propose to find ambiguities
in the documentation or the specification, with respect to the implementation [115].
In reality, the issue may arise from either of the two sources and hence, it would be
more appropriate to build testing techniques to highlight the inconsistencies between
the two. There are two limitations that exist in restricting the testing approach to only
the implementation and its associated documentation: 1) formulating complete and
precise specifications is a hard problem, and 2) test cases giving high coverage on the
program may not suffice in ensuring a bug-free implementation. In this direction, the
dissertation proposes to leverage resources apart from the documentation and the source
code to generate tests to highlight the inconsistencies and understand the introduction
of these inconsistencies as a code project evolves.
We leverage existing resources such as test suites from other similar programs,
domain knowledge of the developers, external resources such as RFCs etc., for effective
test generation. We propose two test generation approaches: 1) Mining existing test
suites associated with similar functions in other libraries, to generate test cases. 2)
Obtaining a differential model highlighting semantic gaps arising from inconsistencies in
an input structure, as inferred from the function’s implementation and its associated
documentation. These approaches generated tests to reveal defects in real programs,
which indicates the effectiveness of leveraging external resources. The first approach
was shown to reveal 67 defects through a study on leveraging similar libraries for test
generation. These defects were then used to assess the proposed tool to automatically
recommend test cases obtained by mining similar functions across open source libraries.
The tool revealed 22 defects from the dataset of 67 defects, and additional 24 previously
unknown defects, thus, revealing a total of 46 defects. The second approach, based on
building a differential model, revealed 80% of the defects in the evaluation dataset and
additional 6 previously unknown defects.
We then delve deeper into reasoning about the introduction of such inconsistencies in
the process of code evolution where we analyse how the description in a documentation
relates to the code changes made at several points in a library. We leverage the commit
patterns and the developer discussions to understand the nature of these changes made
in the evolution process. We observe relations between methods, such as a call-graph
relation, inheritance or interface implementation, and their references in the other
method’s documentation, to explain the presence of dependencies that can eventually
lead to inconsistencies when one entity is modified without updating the dependents.